Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hello, Hola, Konnichi Wa, Dzień Dobry...

Hello, ladies and germs. I noticed you somehow stumbled onto my page. You clearly have nothing to do, so I will try to make your time worthwhile.

Before I begin, since today is Memorial Day, I need to offer a thank you to the men and women who have fought and are currently fighting to keep us say in the ol' US of A.

I must give a hearty shout-out to the fine folks at the News-Herald for giving me this opportunity. I promise to keep all inflammatory remarks toward Auto-tuned singers and didgeridoo players to a complete maximum.

First off, I shall tell you a little bit about myself, before I delve into the meat and potatoes.

I have been a member of the sports media for the last five years, hosting various sports talk shows and covering the local Cleveland teams. Outside of this fine blog, I write for the Cleveland Sports Report, and have previously done work for WKNR,, WHK, WFUN, and the ill-fated Digital Sports Network.

Truth be told, joining the world of sports media was not my intent when I enrolled in college. I always wanted to work in rock radio as a DJ, as I have a vast knowledge of music, young and old, good and bad. As a matter of fact, sports media bores me.

Now that we have that out of the way, here is the rubric for this blog:

On Mondays, I will post a full concert calendar for the week ahead. Being that I live in Northeast Ohio, and the News-Herald serves this area, the concerts will be centered around this area. If you're an out-of-towner, you can ignore my Monday posts if you so choose.

Wednesdays will feature brand new music from all different genres. From country to pop to rock, I will give you the chance to listen to songs that you may or may not have heard before. So now you can tell your peers "I liked that song BEFORE it got popular!"

Normally I hate cliched themes, but I thought I can do a type of Free-For-All Friday. This way, I can wrap of the week with some amusing stories in the world of music, plus I'll even embarrass myself with my Guilty Pleasure Song of the Week.

Peppered in these blogs will be plenty of YouTube videos and snark. So beware.

Um, that's about it for right now. In the meantime, you can check out my Twitter and Facebook to keep up with my monotonous life.

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