It's Friday, and just to forewarn you all, I'm in a sour mood today. This blog will be riddled with blistering sarcasm and mean-spirited humor.
Of course, we begin with the headlines.
Some gentleman came up with 89 things he learned at an Insane Clown Posse gathering. If I ever attended one, I'd probably only come up with one thing: why hasn't an atom bomb dropped out of the sky and murdered us all?
Tony Bennett says that Lady Gaga will be as big as Elvis Presley. Good, then I'm looking forward to her clutching her chest while turtling.
Will Smith is planning a comeback album. Personally, I hope it's a "going away" album.
Kevin Federline is now the father of five. Five, as in children, not failed music ventures.
NPR came up with a list of songs that make them feel good. You know what makes me feel good? When I turn NPR off my radio.
A parent regrets taking her daughter to a Taylor Swift concert. I regret ever having read the article.
Ian Gillan of Deep Purple turns 66 today. I'm feeling a little "Lazy" today.
Katy Perry and Michael Jackson have two things in common: Both have had five singles off one album top the charts, and both have dreams about teenagers.
John Mellencamp and his wife are officially divorced. Apparently, he was messing around with Diane, while his wife was with Jack, and now it hurts so good.
Rumor has it that David Bowie has retired. This would have been helpful if he did so before "China Girl".
Guilty Pleasure Song of the Week:
Berlin - "Sex (I'm A...)"
Thank you, that made my night, great to laugh before bed...