Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Road Trippin' Tunes

I am heading out to Cedar Point today, and I was looking to put some new tunes onto my iPod Touch.

Then it dawned on me. "Dummy, you write a music blog! How about taking your own advice?!"

So here are some songs that I'll be listening to as I make the drive to Sandusky, Ohio.


Javier Colon - "Stitch by Stitch"

Katy Perry - "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F)"

Mann - "The Mack" (ft. Snoop Dogg and Iyaz)

Being a huge fan of "Return of the Mack" by Mark Morrison, this song makes me sad.


Phil Vassar - Let's Get Together

Justin Haigh - "All My Best Friends (Are Behind Bars)"

If all your friends are behind bars, then maybe it's time time find some new friends. Unless Justin means they're all bartenders, which may be a good thing!

Thompson Square - "I Got You"


Every Avenue - "No One But You"

3 Doors Down - "Every Time You Go"

My apologies for the poor quality. I could not find anything clearer. Sue me.

Seether - "Tonight"

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