Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday, Friday Blog

It is indeed Friday, Friday, and we gotta get down to brass tacks.

What I do on Fridays is wrap up a collection of the top headlines in the music world, as well as posting a few quirky, off-the-wall stories.

Also, I will embarrass myself each week by choosing a song from YouTube that happens to be a guilty pleasure of mine. By all means, feel free to post your sneers and jeers at me in the comments section.

But first, let's begin with the headlines of the week:

Sean Kingston has regained consciousness after a horrifying accident on a jet ski. He'll be hanging out with beautiful girls again in no time.

A handful of special interest groups have attacked Rihanna for her new music video, where she shoots and kills a man in cold blood. In other news, music videos are still being released.

Rolling Stone has released their 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. Sadly, Eddie Murphy's "Party All the Time" and Master P's "Make 'Em Say Uhh" missed the cut. (*warning*: slideshow)

T-Pain has vowed to give up Auto-Tune for good. Unfortunately, he hasn't given singing up for good.

Ever wonder who Justin Timberlake is hooking up with these days? I've lost count, but this piece from Starpulse may help tie up loose ends.

Justin Bieber will be presenting an award at the CMT Music Awards. For the layperson, CMT stands for "Country Music Television". However, I would rather see Justin present a country music award than, say, Kid Rock.

Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees, Queens of the Stone Age) recorded a haunting version of Johnny Cash's "The Beast in Me" for The Hangover II soundtrack.

Ke$ha went to Twitter to find a name for her new puppy. How about $cruffy? Or $pot?

And now, the time you've all been waiting for...

T-Maze's Guilty Pleasure Song of the Week

This week, I have chosen "Your Love" by The Outfield.

Being that I'm only 23, I don't have a close association with '80s music, other than the fact that cover bands seem to be popping up frequently at your local watering hole.

But if I were twenty years older, I can see myself grooving to this tune while at the roller rink or with the windows of a Trans Am rolled down.

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